As you might know, we’re in the middle of a huge life transition right now. A quiet day at the creek was just what I needed in this season. There’s something about munching popcorn while watching minnows eat algae and listening to a creek run that just makes a heart quiet down for a little […]
As you might know, we’re in the middle of a huge life transition right now. A quiet day at the creek was just what I needed in this season.
There’s something about munching popcorn while watching minnows eat algae and listening to a creek run that just makes a heart quiet down for a little bit. I’ve had an itch to get out to my Mimi and Papa’s ranch for months now it feels. It finally worked out that I was going to be in Austin this week with an open afternoon and I was able to go out there and just.. sit. I really needed that. Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is nothing at all. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience.” It’s funny, this one afternoon of doing nothing but getting a little sun, smiling as a snake slithered by, counting baby frogs as they hop away from me, and watching Bowie trot back and forth across the creek gave me more mental capacity to do my life well than if I had powered through this week and not allowed myself to rest at all.
While my to-do list was definitely beckoning, a quiet day at the creek was beckoning… quieter. A little bit of patience with myself goes a long way for my pace.
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